Can Clear Aligners Correct Crowded Teeth?

Are you wondering if clear aligners can help you with your crowded teeth? The answer is yes! Invisalign is a dental technology that can be used to correct tooth spacing problems and works effectively for patients who have clenched teeth.

Can Clear Aligners Correct Crowded Teeth?

Are you wondering if clear aligners can help you with your crowded teeth? The answer is yes! Invisalign is a dental technology that can be used to correct tooth spacing problems and works effectively for patients who have clenched teeth. Modern clear aligners come with accessories that act like the brackets found in metal braces, which can help repair crowded teeth. Many people think their teeth are “too crooked for Invisalign to work”, but this is not the case. In fact, Invisalign is even better at straightening close-knit teeth than traditional braces.

It is difficult to place a traditional holder on teeth that are very crooked, overlapped, or rotated, but Invisalign can effectively straighten misaligned teeth most of the time. Braces, surgery, or other methods may be necessary for more complex cases. Although clear aligners have traditionally treated the mildest cases of tooth crowding, they have come a long way in terms of treating more complex cases. The only sure way to know if you are a candidate or not for Invisalign clear aligner therapy is to visit an orthodontist.

Clear aligners are capable of correcting mild to moderate levels of overbites, short bites, crossed bites, hollow teeth, open bites, crowded teeth and general sprains. Since its launch in 1998, Invisalign has treated nearly 11 million people and has become the leading brand of clear office aligners. If you're looking for a clear aligner treatment but don't feel comfortable doing it at home, Invisalign could be a great option. However, if your misalignment problems are relatively mild or moderate, you will most likely benefit from clear aligners.

Cases that only include irregular tooth alignment, not the result of an oversized jaw or bite misalignment, are often simple solutions and excellent candidates for home aligner treatment.Clear plastic retainers: These retainers are similar to Invisalign aligners and should be used every night. Thanks to these accessories and the way they guide clenched teeth to create an aligned bite, aligners are now better equipped to address problems such as minor bites, overbites and crossbites. Clear aligners can correct different degrees of previous misalignments, but if the problem is severe, you'll need traditional devices.

Brandon Lewis
Brandon Lewis

Passionate About Dentistry and Oral Health. Hardcore beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble tv enthusiast. Subtly charming social media evangelist. Unapologetic thinker. I always smile.