Can Clear Aligners Fix Crowded Teeth?

Clear aligners are an effective and discreet solution for mild to moderate cases of overcrowding. Invisalign can help correct overbites, short bites, crossed bites, hollow teeth, open bites, and general sprains.

Can Clear Aligners Fix Crowded Teeth?

Are you looking for a way to fix your crowded teeth? Clear aligners are an effective and discreet solution for mild to moderate cases of overcrowding. Invisalign can help correct overbites, short bites, crossed bites, hollow teeth, open bites, and general sprains. It can also close gaps in teeth and straighten clumped teeth that overlap and twist on top of each other. Plus, it can repair a crossbite or an open bite.

Many people think their teeth are “too crooked for Invisalign to work”, but it is actually better at straightening close-knit teeth than traditional braces. Invisalign can also be used to treat single arch cases, where only the upper or lower teeth are crowded. It is difficult to place a traditional holder on teeth that are very crooked, overlapped, or rotated. Thanks to accessories that work like the brackets found in metal braces, modern clear aligners are now better equipped to address problems such as minor bites, overbites and crossbites.

Clear plastic retainers should be used every night to maintain the results of the treatment. Since its launch in 1998, Invisalign has treated nearly 11 million people and has become the leading brand of clear office aligners. If you're looking for a way to fix your crowded teeth without anyone noticing, clear aligners may be the perfect solution for you. They move the teeth, create a much needed space between them, and then utilize that space.

Plus, they are discreet and don't require you to tell people that you're using this method to fix your teeth.

Brandon Lewis
Brandon Lewis

Passionate About Dentistry and Oral Health. Hardcore beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble tv enthusiast. Subtly charming social media evangelist. Unapologetic thinker. I always smile.