Are Clear Aligners Safe? An Expert's Perspective

Clear aligner therapy has been proven to be a safe way to straighten teeth. Learn more about the safety of clear aligners from an expert's perspective.

Are Clear Aligners Safe? An Expert's Perspective

Most dentists agree that in-office aligners and braces are safer than mail-order treatment. Clear aligner therapy has been proven to be a safe way to straighten teeth, but it is important to receive treatment from a licensed and experienced orthodontist. Without supervision, teeth can move slower or faster than expected, and there is a risk of developing gum disease or tooth decay. The science behind each patient's Wondersmile treatment is based on more than 20 years of orthodontics with clear aligners.

These liquids can easily penetrate through the aligners and remain on their surface for a longer period, which can cause discoloration of the aligners and even the teeth. Clear aligners can treat a number of common orthodontic problems, such as slight overcrowding or spacing, crooked or overlapping teeth, and some dental protuberances. You wear each clear aligner for more than 22 hours a day and only take them off to eat, drink, brush or floss (or to play sports or listen to music). It is recommended that consumers only receive clear aligner therapy from a licensed and experienced orthodontist to ensure they receive the safe, quality treatment they need.

In recent years, clear aligners have gained importance, since they appear more aesthetic, comfortable and practical. This means that before starting any treatment with clear aligners, it's important to visit your dentist for a dental exam. Everyone's orthodontic health is different and everyone has different needs, which means that clear aligners may not be the best option for you. You may have seen stories online of patients who used other brands of clear aligners, who claim that aligners can cause teeth to fall out.

A study conducted with aligners reported that aligners can cause tooth roots to weaken, which can cause slow resorption of dental roots for some time. Some mail-order kit suppliers may not tell you that you're not a suitable candidate for clear aligners when you mail your images or prints. Clear aligners should be replaced at regular intervals; however, this is done at the dentist's discretion.When you are treated with clear aligner therapy in an orthodontist's office, the orthodontist requires routine appointments to ensure that your teeth move at the safest and most efficient pace. An orthodontist will adjust your treatment plan as needed along the way, but you won't succeed when you use homemade aligners.

The increase in demand for dental aesthetics has led to the evolution of dental appliances, such as transparent aligners.

Brandon Lewis
Brandon Lewis

Passionate About Dentistry and Oral Health. Hardcore beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble tv enthusiast. Subtly charming social media evangelist. Unapologetic thinker. I always smile.