Can Clear Aligners Fix Spacing Issues?

Looking for an effective way to close gaps between your teeth without traditional braces? Learn how clear aligners can help you get straight and ideally spaced teeth without compromising your appearance or comfort.

Can Clear Aligners Fix Spacing Issues?

At SmileDirectClub, our experienced team of over 250 licensed dentists and orthodontists are experts in solving spacing problems with clear aligners. Candid clear aligners have been used to successfully treat thousands of spacing cases, and Invisalign is a popular treatment option for those looking to close the gaps between their teeth. Invisalign works to close spaces between teeth, but it also has other benefits that make it an attractive option. Invisalign straightens crooked teeth by using clear plastic aligners that can be removed for a small part of the day.

Clear aligners are much more discreet than traditional braces, but just as effective and, in some cases, even faster than braces. Clear aligners are comfortable, practical and discreet, making them a popular treatment option with excellent results and without the appearance of metal braces. When an orthodontist treats a spacer case with Candid clear aligners, the prescription requires bringing the teeth together and aligning them. The Invisalign treatment uses revolutionary, patented technology to carefully align teeth with transparent, almost invisible aligners that integrate perfectly with the smile, providing more comfort and easier maintenance than traditional orthodontic appliances.

Your expert orthodontist custom-designs each transparent aligner and accessory, based on a modeling system to accurately predict how to close every space between your teeth. Many patients prefer treatment with Invisalign to close a gap, as the subtle appearance of clear aligners makes it a discreet treatment that doesn't affect the patient's appearance as much. Gin is one of the leading suppliers of Diamond+ Invisalign and has the experience and knowledge to treat any case with clear aligners to provide you with straight and ideally spaced teeth.If you're looking for an effective way to close gaps between your teeth without the hassle of traditional braces, then clear aligners may be the perfect solution for you. With Invisalign's patented technology and custom-designed aligners, you can get straight and ideally spaced teeth without compromising your appearance or comfort.

Our team of experienced orthodontists at SmileDirectClub are here to help you achieve your perfect smile with clear aligners.

Brandon Lewis
Brandon Lewis

Passionate About Dentistry and Oral Health. Hardcore beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble tv enthusiast. Subtly charming social media evangelist. Unapologetic thinker. I always smile.