Do aligners take more time than braces?

Invisalign tends to be faster than braces because the trays are customized during treatment. Every few weeks, you'll return to the office to have new aligners made just for you.

Do aligners take more time than braces?

Invisalign tends to be faster than braces because the trays are customized during treatment. Every few weeks, you'll return to the office to have new aligners made just for you. These aligners change during treatment so that they always work to improve the appearance of the teeth. Invisalign can straighten your teeth faster than traditional braces.

Most patients finish treatment in just one or two years, while traditional orthodontic appliances can take up to three years to produce significant results. For this reason, patients find Invisalign to be a faster and more convenient option for people who want a beautiful, flawless smile. How fast your teeth move depends on the complexity of the situation. If you have mild or moderate orthodontic imperfections, you can see visible Invisalign results within six to 18 months.

It confirms that Invisalign is faster than the orthodontic appliances that are often used to treat complicated orthodontic imperfections. Braces can achieve a better result than Invisalign. Braces have more strength to move teeth to the desired position. Invisalign is limited in terms of the number of teeth that can be moved at one time.

While the button-shaped accessories are similar to the color of your teeth, they may look like you're wearing transparent braces instead of aligners. Secondly, Invisalign is most effective when you follow your dentist's guidelines and ensure that the aligners stay on your teeth for 22 hours or more, limiting the time you spend without them to a minimum. After removing your aligners for eating and drinking, you should brush and floss your teeth and put them back on your teeth after rinsing them.

The Invisalign clear aligners

supplied by the dentist in Rockville are not mounted on the teeth, but rather fit snugly on them because manufacturers customize them for the teeth.

Brandon Lewis
Brandon Lewis

Passionate About Dentistry and Oral Health. Hardcore beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble tv enthusiast. Subtly charming social media evangelist. Unapologetic thinker. I always smile.